Totem ceramics &
home goods.

barbo // work+shop, created by Barış Gün, based in two cities; Istanbul and Mardin. Focusing on Anatolian and Mesopotamian culture. Carries the Middle Eastern motifs, beliefs, architectural elements and stories to our daily life, through totem objects, ceramic sculptures, tile designs and home goods.
Barış Gün tarafından kurulan, İstanbul ve Mardin arası mekik dokuyan barbo // work+shop, Anadolu ve Mezopotamya kültürüne dair çalışmalar yapıyor. Orta Doğu'nun tarihi, motifleri, inançları, mimari ögeleri gibi pek çok konuyu günümüze taşıyan marka, totem objeler, seramik heykeller, karo tasarımları ve ev gereçleri üretiyor.

Museums & Researches.

Finished Italian High School, holds a BA from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Department of Traditional Turkish Arts; Tile Design and MA on Museum Management at Istanbul University. She wrote her thesis about "Design Museums Management Models, Road Map and Suggestions for a Design Museum in Turkey".
She worked in various museums and design events such as Istanbul Design Biennial, Design Foundation Istanbul, Virtual Museum of Industrial Design of Turkey, Arter. She gave elective courses at Artuklu University Architecture Department. She is also founder of DAM (Design | Architecture | Museology) platform, making -DAM- related events, exhibitions, productions, researches and publications.